Call of Duty Black OPS II Multiplayer Review

Call of Duty Black OPS II was published by Activision and developed by Treyarch. Released in 2012 Black OPS II multiplayer mode follows the same path as other Call of Duty multiplayer games. There is a leveling system where you progress to level 55 then prestige. When you try to play this game online you will find most people play team deathmatch and domination. It will be hard to find anyone playing other game modes. The maps are fun except when everybody decides to play on the same map over and over again.

I like the movement in the game. It seems fast and with the perk to run for longer it can make the game more fun if you like to run everywhere. I liked to use the light machine guns of the assault rifles with a good range. If you get into a team that works together it can be a lot of fun. The matches don't last too long and the waiting period between games is not too long either.

The graphics are pretty good for the age of the game and there is an option to record matches which I did not use. Out of the older Call of Duty games I probably played this the most mainly because of the maps and there were other people to play with. I also never had a problem with hacked lobbies or hacking in general. The game still runs good on windows 10 and should be good for a few years yet.
