Call of Duty: Ghosts Review

Call of Duty: Ghosts was released in 2013.  Developed by Infinity Ward and Published by Activision. It is a first-person shooter video game set in a future alternate time. After the nuclear destruction of the Middle East, the oil-producing nations of South America have joined together as a superpower called the Federation.  The Ghosts are a group of U.S Special Operations personnel who are led by retired army captain Elias Walker. For most of the game you play as one of his sons who is also a Ghost. His name is Logan. Also in some missions you are joined by a German Shepard called Riley.
The main bad guy in the game is the former leader of the Ghosts Gabriel Rorke who now works for the federation after being captured and extensively brainwashed.
The game is played in some interesting places including a jungle, under water, in a falling sky scraper in South Korea and in space. The graphics are quite interesting especially in these places mentioned. The voice acting was good with some familiar voices including Stephen Lang as Elias Walker and Kevin Gage as Gabriel Rorke.
The story was ok but never got me riveted to my seat.  I did not like the style of the loading scenes that tell part of the story. They were dark and were distorted into blocky liquidity movements of CGI is how I would describe it. 
One of the best aspects of the game is you get to drive tanks, fly helicopters, control various military hardware, and be a dog (which I did not like so much).
The nvidia hairworks on the dog was a bit overkill and distracting also.

The game play has not changed from other Call of duty games. Moving forward is how you progress through the missions. The direction of the objectives are not shown on the screen in this game. They are pretty straight forward, but if you wander off and the team goes somewhere it can take a while to find where your meant to be. Normally the objective flashes yellow when you are close by so you know what to do. 

Its rated Mature

All in all it’s a good game, not a great game. Compared with the other Call of Duty Games I would rank it somewhere below the Modern Warfare series.