Mirror's Edge Catalyst Review

Mirror's Edge Catalyst is an action adventure game produced by Electronics Arts. It was released in 2016. 

The game is set in a future where corporations rule the political structure and control law enforcement. The city is called Glass and you play a female character called Faith. Faith is a runner. Her job is to deliver things by running from rooftop to rooftop. Almost none of the game is played at ground level. Faith uses the style of parkour to move across the city. You will find yourself constantly running, jumping, sliding and climbing to reach your location and complete your objectives. Faith finds herself in a movement that wants to take down  KrugerSec ( the city's security force ) and the people who rule the city through corruption and oppression. 

The story of the game is good and the cut scenes are well done. The missions of the game get a bit repetitive after a while because you are always running, jumping, sliding your way to the next objective. There are side missions as well. Most of them are to deliver a package from A to B before time runs out. There are also abilities to unlock for movement, combat and gear. These unlocks make it a bit easier to progress through the game.

You don't have any weapons in the game. All you have to fight with is kicking and punching. This can be combined with wall runs, high jumps and slides for extra damage to the enemy. Most of the enemy's use hand to hand combat with the exception of one which shoots at you (so you will have to take out those ones first). You will be doing this a lot and it will get tedious fast. There is a mission early on that has waves of enemies coming at you that are hard to defeat and it just seems too early in the game to get stuck, replaying that mission over and over.

The graphics are really impressive at the highest detail and the city looks fantastic. These graphics will work the newest graphics cards and processors hard even at 1080p resolution.

I can't say I enjoyed this game. The eye candy was great but if you made one mistake while running you will find yourself plunging to your death from a very great height. Do this enough and you will start to feel uneasy even if you aren't scared of heights. I had this feeling for most of the game, then I started to have the uneasy feeling waiting for the moment when you fall to feel that way again. This feeling only increased later in the game as you traveled higher and fell more often. I have to say that if you like the fast paced parkour style of action and don't mind the feeling of watching you fall you will probably like the game. The speed and action does get your heart beating faster and there is the feeling of achievement when you do something impressive but I find that feeling is overshadowed with the sense of dread you have waiting for the next time you fall to your death. I played the beginning of this game with a game pad but had to switch to a keyboard and mouse later on for more accuracy as the game got more difficult.
