Duke Nukem Forever Review

Duke Nukem Forever is a first-person shooter and a sequel to the 1996 game Duke Nukem 3D. Developed by 3D Realms, Triptych Games, Gearbox Software and Piranha Games. It was released 2011 and took 15 years to develop. 
Duke Nukem comes out of retirement when aliens start kidnapping the women of earth. He must save the human race from the aliens. 
For a game that took 15 years to develop you would expect it to be a well-polished game. This is not the case. The most disappointing thing I noticed about this game were the basic graphics. The visuals were not appealing to me. The game engine used was the Unreal engine. Most games made with the Unreal engine are from the early 2000’s. That’s why it seems outdated. The second most disappointing thing was when he shrinks and you have to control a mini Duke Nukem in a car. There are lots of “one liners” in the game that aren’t that funny anymore.
The combat system is quite basic. Instead of health Duke Nukem has Ego. Once his Ego is depleted he starts to incur damage. He can increase his ego by interacting with objects like looking at himself in the mirror and by defeating bosses.
At the end of each level there is a boss fight and they progressively get harder. There is actually a boss fight right at the beginning. There are other items that effect Duke. Steroids increase his strength and the holoduke makes him invisible to the enemy. There are some funny aspects to the game and a few levels are enjoyable to play. Some of the levels include the Duke Cave, a sports dome, a mother ship, a destroyed Los Vegas and the Duke Burger. Also there are strip clubs and the worst level is called crash course which is outdoors and the visuals are not impressive.
 There is some nudity in the game and rude one-liners. Also he pees in a urinal.
I played the game on easy difficulty and only had trouble completing the last boss fight.
I can only recommend this game if you are a Duke Nukem fan.
I give it 5.5/10