Flatout 2 Review

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Flatout 2 Review


Flatout 2 is a racing game published by Empire Interactive and released in 2006. It was developed by Bugbear Entertainment. It is the sequel to Flatout (the previous game). The music is still good in this game. Every song is rock music with lots of guitar to match the action. The graphics are better, and the cars handle better. Which means the game is easier to play. The game involves physics everywhere and items fly around everywhere, sometimes it is hard to see. Every time you hit objects or other cars you get nitro and also for going over jumps.

You have to win races and events to progress. Coming 3rd is enough to progress and you earn money for new cars and upgrades also. There is a single player and multi-player aspect to the game. Single player has a career mode with 4 different stages. Derby, race, street and a grand-final. Each stage has cups with different races in each cup. You win the most money for coming first. The multiplayer mode has a party mode and on-line mode. The on-line mode does not work.

Like Flatout, it has destruction derbys, high jump, long jump, darts and figure 8 races apart from the cups. You earn money in those too.

Its best to save up for a new car and upgrades because it gets harder towards the end. There is always something happening in this game with objects flying everywhere. This can mean your can loose your place if one car knocks you off the track. The A.I. in this game is okay but sometimes you see a car at full speed just keep going off the track instead of breaking. In this game the driver also flies out the window when you hit something hard and your car can explode if you damage it enough.

This game was made in 2006 but the graphics and music make if okay to play nowadays if the graphic settings are on high. A good game if you want a lot of action but not for people who just want a racing game like project cars.
